Dart Game Rules

Glossary Of Dart Terms & Phrases

ANNIE'S ROOM: The number 1.

ARROWS: Darts.

BABY TON: A score of 95, usually by scoring five 19's.

BAG O' NUTS:A score of 45.

BARREL: The part of a dart you grip, right behind the point.

BASEMENT: The double-3.

BREAKFAST: A score of single-5, single-20, single-1 in a game of x01. This was based on the typical price of a bed-and-breakfast, 26 pence.

BUCKET OF NAILS: Landing all three darts in the 1's.

BUCKSHOT: When you're darts land wildly all over the board.

BULL: The center of the board.

BULLSEYE: The center of the board.

BUST: Hitting more than you needed in an x01 game, and the darts don't count.

C: In a Cricket game this refers to high scores base on the number of darts scored. For example a triple-20, single-20, single-20 would be called a C-5 because "5 darts" were scored with three darts.

CHUCKER: A player who just "chucks" the darts at the board, doesn't aim or care.

CIRCLE IT: When a player scores a single digit (less than 10) with three darts, his team-mates would shout out "Circle it!" to the scorekeeper to highlight the terrible throw.

CLOCK: The dart board.

CORK: The center of the board. This comes from the cork in the end of a keg where it is tapped. The ends of kegs were used for targets in the begining of darts.

DIDDLE FOR MIDDLE: A throw to see who gets one dart closer to the bullseye to determine who shoots first in the game.

DOUBLE: The thin outer ring of the board, it usually counts for two times the number hit.

DOUBLE IN: A double is needed to start the game.

DOUBLE OUT: A double is needed to win the game.

DOUBLE TOP: The double-20.

DOUBLE TROUBLE: Not being able to hit the double needed to win the game.

DOWNSTAIRS: The lower portion of the board, usually in refernce to the 19's in a game of x01.

EASY IN: A game that requires no special shot to begin scoring.

FEATHERS: The "wings" at the end of a dart that make it fly straight. Also known as flights.

FEATHERS: The number 33.

FLIGHTS: The "wings" at the end of a dart that make it fly straith. Also known as feathers.

HAT TRICK: A score of three bullseyes.

HOCKEY: The line you you stand behind and throw the darts from.

ISLAND: The actual playable area of a dart board (inside the doubles ring). If you miss, your "Off the island".

LEG: One game of a match.

MAD HOUSE: The double-one, because it can drive you crazy trying to hit one in a game of x01.

MIDDLE FOR MIDDLE: A throw to see who gets one dart closer to the bullseye to determine who shoots first in the game.

MONGER: A person who deliberately scores many more points than needed to win the game.

MUGS AWAY: Loser of the previous game goes first in the next game.

MURPHY: A score of single-5, single-20, single-1 in a game of x01. Based on Murphy's Law.

OCHE: The line you you stand behind and throw the darts from.

POINT MONGER: A person who deliberately scores many more points than needed to win the game.

POPCORN: When the darts land so close to each other, they knock their flights out.

RIGHT CHURCH, WRONG PEW or RIGHT HOUSE, WRONG BED: When you a double or triple, but the wrong number.

ROBIN HOOD: When you shoot a dart into the shaft of another.

SHAFT: The part of a dart behind the barrel when the flights are mounted.

SHANGHAI: A score of a single, double and triple in the same number. In some games this is an automatic win. This is also the name of a game.

SHUT OUT: When you lose a game without ever scoring in it.

SKUNKED: When you lose a game without ever scoring in it.

SLOP: Darts that score, but not where you wanted them.

SPIDER: The metal web that divede the dart board.

SPLASH: Darts that score, but not where you wanted them.

STRAIGHT IN: A game that requires no special shot to begin scoring.

THREE IN A BED: Three darts in the same number.

THROW LINE: The line you you stand behind and throw the darts from.

TOE LINE: The line you you stand behind and throw the darts from.

TON: A score of 100 in a game of x01. Scores over 100 would be called a "ton-whatever" for example, a ton-thirty would be a score of 130.

triple: The thin inner ring of the board, it usually counts for three times the number hit.

UPSTAIRS: The upper portion of the board, usually in reference to the 20's.

WIRE: Darts that just miss where you aimed but on the other side of the spider.

X: A double-1 out.

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